
This fact is what drives us daily
to ensure that each child is given the opportunity
to receive the love and attention of their fathers.

We aim to impact fatherhood in subsequent generations.

Issue Paper – Gender Equality And Fatherhood

Our Story
Who are we?

We the fathers of today, many of whom were unfortunately also the fatherless sons of yesterday, now stand determined to derail past societal misconceptions, encourage new ideologies and promote positive and empowering perceptions of fatherhood.

Our Mission

What Drives Us?

In the past decade of existence we have both grown and expanded while still remaing consistent with our core values that have guided us from inception. Our goal is strong family units, and the end of gender bias in our court system. We simply want families to be together. This engenders the right environment for the next generation to grow up in and learn from and in turn they positively impact not only their future families, but also their communities and country.
